For those of you doing genealogy research we've listed some research websites and Cemeteries in Grey Highlands that we've found to date. This page is being updated as we are able. There are active cemeteries and pioneer cemeteries which are no longer used.
Links to Cemetery database websitesOntario Cemetery Finding AidHere you can search through their database by surname, township or cemetery. They are listed by former township locations.
Ontario Genealogical Society Here you'll find the results for our search for Grey Highlands Cemeteries.
Here you can search for specific cemeteries in Ontario and around the world. Many contributors add information to this database.
Cemeteries in Grey Highlands
Former Artemesia, Euphrasia and Osprey Townships
Badjeros Union - (former Osprey Township)
Ebenezer United - (former Euphrasia Township)
Feversham Presbyterian - (former Osprey Township)
Flesherton Cemetery - Hwy 10 south of Flesherton
Irwin's Cemetery - Old Methodist Cemetery (former Artemesia Township)
Maxwell Cemetery - Hwy 4 east of Maxwell
Markdale Cemetery - Grey Road 12 east of Markdale
Mt Zion Methodist - (former Euphrasia Township)
New England Methodist - (former Euphrasia Township)
Old Durham Road Pioneer Cemetery - Durham Road Priceville ON (former Artemesia Township) Website
Orange Valley - (former Artemesia Township)
Priceville - McNeils (former Artemesia Township)
Rob Roy - (former Osprey Township)
Salem Cemetery - Side Road 30 south of Concession Road 8 south east of Eugenia (former Artemesia Township)
St James Anglican, Fairmount - (former Euphrasia Township)
Temple Hill - (former Euphrasia Township)
Wareham Pioneer - (former Osprey Township)